Kentucky 4-H to celebrate 100 years at teen conference
Kentucky 4-H to celebrate 100 years at teen conference

The 2024 Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference on June 11-14, themed “Illuminate 4-H," is celebrating 100 years at the University of Kentucky campus.
Hosted by the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development and UK Cooperative Extension Service at the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the four-day conference will help teens develop valuable life skills including leadership, teamwork, communication, networking and service. Youth will also participate in activities like service projects and academic workshops to learn more about attending UK.
“Teen conference opens your eyes to all things 4-H, great experiences, making friends and branching out of your comfort zone,” said Hopkins County native Hailey Oldham, current 4-H State Teen Council member and previous conference attendee. “This conference opened my eyes to a week of meeting new people, having fun and seeing what’s outside of our small towns and high schools. This single week is by far one of my favorite life experiences to this day!”
Participants will have the unique opportunity of experiencing UK’s campus through the eyes of a student. This will include living in dorms and visiting academic and student life buildings.

Featured conference events include:
- Service-learning opportunity to practice generosity
- The Fashion Revue
- 4-H Achievement Awards
- State 4-H Officer Recognition
- Future teen board members announcement
- And more
Previous Kentucky 4-H Teen Conferences have drawn over 800 youth. The experience allows them to engage in the collegiate experience, bond with other youth from across the state and, for many, decide to attend UK in the future. Many previous attendees share the value of bonding and serving with others at the conference.
“Teen Conference has impacted me because I have gotten to give back to our state that has done so much for me. I have made friendships that I will always cherish,” said Kennedy Walden, current Kentucky 4-H participant and acting State Teen Council member.
Youth interested in participating in the conference are encouraged to contact their local county 4-H agent by May 17. Learn more about the conference at
The Kentucky 4-H Youth Development mission is to provide positive youth development to experience belonging, mastery, independence and generosity. Learn more at
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4 H Youth Events