Kentucky Alfalfa and Stored Forage Conference set for Feb. 25 in Fayette County
Kentucky Alfalfa and Stored Forage Conference set for Feb. 25 in Fayette County

Farmers, forage specialists and agricultural professionals will gather at the 2025 Kentucky Alfalfa and Stored Forage Conference—hosted by the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment’s Forage Extension Program and the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council—to explore the latest research, best practices and emerging trends in alfalfa and stored forage.
Themed “Alfalfa Updates and Producing Grass Hay for Premium Markets,” the daylong conference runs 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. EST on Feb. 25 at the Fayette County Extension Office.
Centered around all things alfalfa, hay and storage and forage species, this year’s program offers a mix of presentations, including armyworms and their control methods, new alfalfa varieties, what horse owners want in quality hay, updates on hay contests, unique forage species emerging markets and more. Participants will also hear a producer panel on ways to improve hay production and increase operation profitability.
“We look forward to welcoming alfalfa and hay producers from across the Commonwealth,” said Ray Smith, forage and extension specialist. “There’s no better time to brush up on the latest results from variety trials, marketing and pest management than before growing season starts.”
Registration costs $45 per participant and closes Feb. 24. To register and purchase online, visit
To register by mail, send a $45 payable to KFGC at the following address: Krista Lea, N222 Agriculture North, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091. Please specify "Alfalfa and Stored Forage" in the check memo line.
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