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Kentucky Alfalfa Conference is Feb. 22

Kentucky Alfalfa Conference is Feb. 22

Kentucky Alfalfa Conference is Feb. 22


The 27th Kentucky Alfalfa Conference returns to Cave City this year with topics of interest for farmers who grow the crop to feed their livestock, as well as for commercial hay producers.The daylong program is Feb. 22 at the Cave City Convention Center. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the conference gets under way at 8:45 a.m.Alfalfa is the No. 1 forage legume crop in the United States and plays an important role on farms throughout Kentucky with more than 250,000 acres in production, according to the Kentucky office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service.The legume has the highest yield potential and highest feeding value potential for all forage legumes, said Garry Lacefield, forages specialist with the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.Alfalfa is versatile and can be used for pasture, hay, silage, green-chop, soil improvement and soil conservation, he said. It has great potential for the cash hay market and for grazing.Conference topics include alfalfa information on the web; how the alfalfa plant grows, with an impact on management; requirements for successful alfalfa establishment; alfalfa hay for horses; alfalfa for summer grazing; hay heating, hay sweat and spontaneous combustion; Roundup Ready© alfalfa; and pea aphid: where did they come from in 2005 and will they be back? A Kentucky producer will also discuss how he produced nationally award winning alfalfa hay. Registration fee is $15, or $5 for students, and includes lunch and a copy of conference proceedings. Certified crop adviser credits are available. There will also be exhibits, a silent auction and an awards presentation during the event.The conference is sponsored by the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, UK Cooperative Extension Service and the Kentucky Forage and Grasslands Council. For more information contact Garry Lacefield at 270-365-7541, ext. 202 or Christi Forsythe, 270-365-7541, ext. 221. Or visit the Kentucky Forage Extension Web site.

Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064