Master Logger continuing education classes offered in March
Master Logger continuing education classes offered in March

Kentucky Master Loggers will have the opportunity to enroll in two upcoming continuing education classes. The Web-based sessions will take place in 15 county Cooperative Extension offices around the state.
The first class will be held from 1 to 4 p.m. EDT on March 10. Subjects covered will include new trucking regulations, updates on logging legislation, the tie and stage log markets, the pulpwood market and the forest industry economic report for 2014 to 2015.
The second session will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. EDT March 17 and cover updates on the sawlog market and forest health; an interview with a Certified Master Logger whose life was saved because of having an emergency plan; biomass and chip mill development; new ticks and diseases; Best Management Practices inspection procedures; information about the top BMP issues; and changes in Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for loggers.
Participants will be eligible for three continuing education units for each class.
The programs will originate from the UK campus and stream live to extension offices in Edmonson, Estill, Harlan, Hopkins, Lawrence, Letcher, Lewis, Lyon, Perry, Pike, Pulaski, Rowan, Scott, Taylor, and Whitley counties. The format will allow the participants to ask questions of the presenters.
The cost is $25 per class. Registration forms are available in The Kentucky LogJam newsletter or online at Interested participants can call the Kentucky Master Logger office, 800-859-6006.
Logging directly contributes $1 billion a year to Kentucky’s economy.
Events Extension Forestry