‘An Ocean of Opportunity’: UK Extension honored at Epsilon Sigma Phi national conference
‘An Ocean of Opportunity’: UK Extension honored at Epsilon Sigma Phi national conference

University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service agents and specialists at the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment were recently recognized at the 2024 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) National Conference.
Since its establishment in 1927, ESP members have worked to address and strengthen the needs of individuals and communities through research-based and education-related efforts. Today, ESP is one of the oldest and largest organizations of extension professionals.
Themed “An Ocean of Opportunity,” the event recognized extension professionals and ESP members from all regions in the country for their outstanding service, leadership, and programming in their communities.
“Having our members recognized at a national event by their peers speaks well to our Kentucky agents and specialists for their commitment to excellence,” said Jeff Young, urban extension director at Martin-Gatton CAFE and current ESP- Alpha Kappa Chapter president at UK. “Kentucky has one of the largest memberships and national delegations for ESP each year.”
The following Kentucky agents and specialists received recognition:
Tyrone Gentry, retired 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent in Green County was elected as the national 2nd vice president.
Tony Rose, 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent in Adair County Extension received the Distinguished Service Award in the Southern Region.
- Extension specialists Nichole Huff, Heather Norman-Burgdolf, Amy Kostelic, Annhall Norris and Mindy McCulley along with extension associates Kelly May and Hardin Stevens received the Distinguished Team Award for In the Face of Disaster: An Agent Toolkit for Readiness and Response.
In addition, several Kentucky extension agents and professors lead presentations at the national conference:
- “Extension Explores Substance Use in Diverse Populations,” by Alex Elswick, UK assistant extension professor
- “Bridging Generations in Extension,” by Kimberly Henken, UK extension engagement director
- “In the Face of Disaster: Equipping Agents for Disaster Readiness & Response,” by Nichole Huff, assistant extension professor
- “Learning through Play: Creative Approaches to Kindergarten Readiness,” by Christy Stearns, Family and Consumer Sciences County Extension agent
“There are so many ways that extension impacts our local communities in a positive way,” said Mindy McCulley, extension specialist at Martin-Gatton CAFE and Alpha Kappa Chapter Kentucky affiliate awards chair. “We have the resources, and we believe that Extension has something for everybody. There’s an ocean of opportunity.”
To learn more about the UK Extension or locate a local county office in Kentucky, visit https://extension.ca.uky.edu.
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Awards Extension