News Archive: Entomology
Behind the Blue': Cox on new role as VP for land-grant engagement
Danielle Donham and Kody Kiser
Published on Sep. 15, 2020
Behind the Blue': Cox on new role as VP for land-grant engagement
Danielle Donham and Kody Kiser
Published on Sep. 15, 2020
Behind the Blue': Cox on new role as VP for land-grant engagement
Danielle Donham and Kody Kiser
Published on Sep. 15, 2020
Behind the Blue': Cox on new role as VP for land-grant engagement
Danielle Donham and Kody Kiser
Published on Sep. 15, 2020
Knott named director of UK Research and Education Center
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 31, 2020
Knott begins her new duties Sept. 1.
UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment offers Virtual State Fair

Aimee Nielson
Published on Aug. 18, 2020
Demonstrations and virtual tours on topics such as home gardening, production agriculture, forestry, equine, farm tours and 4-H activities.
UK study finds some birds could play a role in integrated pest management
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 5, 2020
Unsolicited gifts of seeds could pose a danger
Published on Jul. 28, 2020
Recently, the Kentucky Department of Agriculture was notified of several Kentucky residents receiving unsolicited seed packets through the mail. The seeds may may pose a threat to Kentucky agriculture and the environment.
Asian longhorned tick found in Kentucky
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 21, 2020
UK entomologists find invasive paper wasps preying on monarch butterfly larvae
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 16, 2020
UK entomologists observed 120 encounters of the invasive wasp attacking monarch larvae in Central Kentucky.