4-H Senior Conference to Add Community Service to Agenda
4-H Senior Conference to Add Community Service to Agenda
Senior Conference is a long-standing 4-H tradition in Kentucky. Each year, 4-Hers from all over the Commonwealth converge on the University of Kentucky campus to take part in tracks, college visits, tours, and workshops. The conference is designed to develop leadership and citizenship skills, inspire teens to remain in 4-H and acquaint them with our land-grant university.
This year, at the June 12 through 16 conference, there is a new opportunity for those enrolling in six-hour tracks. These teens will have two, three-hour sessions and a third session will be devoted to community service projects.
"We're hoping these projects will give the kids a chance to give back to the community," Teresa Boll, Senior Conference coordinator and UK Extension associate in 4-H, said. "We've been privileged to get lots of help from community organizations for 4-H. With the community service projects, the kids will learn about serving the community and giving back to the folks who have supported 4-H for so long."
Some of the organizations where students will be volunteering are the UK Senior Citizens Center, the Ronald McDonald House, and the UK Arboretum.
Senior Conference standards such as informative speakers, group living, recreation, recognition programs, election of officers, and Fashion Revue will fill the rest of the program.
All registration, Fashion Revue materials and fees are due May 1. Please send them to: 4-H Programs, Attn: Teresa Boll, 212 Scovell Hall, Lexington, KY 40546-0064. If you have any questions, please call (859) 257-5961 or fax: (859) 257-7180. More information is available, including registration forms on the Kentucky 4-H web site, located at http://www.ca.uky.edu/4h Click on State 4-H info in the left-hand column, then click on Program Resource Guide, and finally scroll down and click Senior Conference.