4-H to show the stylish side of STEM this summer
4-H to show the stylish side of STEM this summer

Published on Jun. 27, 2016
More than 300 Kentucky young people will become “style engineers” this summer, thanks to a grant Kentucky 4-H received from HughesNet and the National 4-H Council.
The Style Engineers—Fashion through Science program will show 4-H’ers at University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service day and residential camps how fashion design is connected to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The curriculum includes real-world activities to emphasize these fields.
Kentucky was one of four states to receive funding for this program as part of the Summer Camp STEM Experiences, a national effort led by 4-H and HughesNet to spark interest in youth in these subjects.
“I’m excited to be able to provide this opportunity for Kentucky’s youth,” said Marjorie Baker, extension associate for clothing and textiles in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. “It’s a great opportunity to make young people aware of the science, engineering and math concepts that go into clothing design and construction.”
Baker and Kim Whitson, Laurel County 4-H youth development agent, will offer Style Engineers—Fashion through Science July 5-8 at Feltner 4-H Camp in London. Other counties participating in the program during Tech Takeover Days include Breckinridge, Carlisle, Carter, Christian, Clark, Grant, Fayette, Fleming, Jackson, Kenton, Laurel, Lincoln, Livingston, Marion, Owsley, Pulaski, Rockcastle, Scott, Wolfe and Woodford.
4 H Youth Extension Family Consumer Sciences