Advanced Kentucky Grazing School coming to Western Kentucky
Advanced Kentucky Grazing School coming to Western Kentucky

Forage and animal specialists with the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture will host an Advanced Kentucky Grazing School June 18 at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton.
This is the second year for the one-day event that targets producers who have participated in at least one other UK grazing program. It is the first time the program has been offered in Western Kentucky.
During the program, participants will receive in- depth information on forage and animal topics as well as reminders about important grazing concepts. The school begins at 8:30 a.m. CDT.
UKAg specialists will present the latest research and information on the following topics: managing profitability in grass-clover pastures, grazing alfalfa, new tall fescue varieties, advantages of grazing warm-season grasses, managing a year-round grazing system, minerals for grazing cattle, managing livestock on warm-season forages and the grazing wedge concept. The program will also include demonstrations and hands-on activities.
Participants must preregister by June 10. The registration fee is $20. Registration forms are available on the UK Forages website at or at local offices of the UK Cooperative Extension Service. Mail registration forms and a check payable to the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council to Kelly Kramer, 804 W.P. Garrigus Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0215.
Program sponsors include the Master Grazer Educational Program, UK College of Agriculture, Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund, Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council.
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