April’s 'From the Woods Today' welcomes spring with woodland topics
April’s 'From the Woods Today' welcomes spring with woodland topics

LEXINGTON, Ky., —University of Kentucky Forestry and Natural Resources weekly online program, “From the Woods Today,” looks at the forest through the trees in April, offering relevant and interesting information about woodlands and wildlife each Wednesday at 11 a.m. EDT.
The program streams on Zoom and on Facebook Live. Hosts Billy Thomas and Reneé Williams, UK extension forester and information specialist, respectively, welcome UK specialists who share their knowledge of Kentucky’s forests and the creatures that call them home.
April’s episodes include:
April 7: Matt Springer, assistant extension professor of wildlife management, will talk about the Black Vulture Project, and Ellen Crocker, assistant extension professor of forest health, will bring insight into pesky plants.
April 14: Cliff Drouet, forester in the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, will discuss the Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative, and Bob Bauer of the Kentucky Forest Industries Association will announce the Logger of the Year. Springer returns with wildlife sounds to identify.
April 21: A celebration of Earth Day with Crocker and extension forester Laurie Thomas. Extension agent Eric Comley will share his knowledge of wildflowers.
April 28: Billy Thomas will talk about delivered log prices, and Laurie Thomas will lead a segment on Kentucky’s maple trees.
All episodes include the Tree of the Week section.
The link to the Zoom sessions, a list of topics and archived episodes are available at http://www.FromTheWoodsToday.com. Participants will receive a prompt to install Zoom, if they haven’t already done it. When asked for an identification number, sign in as a guest. Anyone can join a session, regardless of their location. The episodes are also available on Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/ForestryExtension/.
The UK Cooperative Extension Service is part of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. With its land-grant partner, Kentucky State University, UK Cooperative Extension brings the university to the people in their local communities, addressing issues of importance to all Kentuckians.
Environment Extension Forestry