From barrel to bottle: New JBBI class gives UK students a hands-on look at bourbon commercialization
From barrel to bottle: New JBBI class gives UK students a hands-on look at bourbon commercialization

A new class at the University of Kentucky James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits (JBBI) is set to give students an inside look at bourbon-making. While the Distilling, Wine and Brewing Certificate offered through JBBI has many courses on producing alcoholic beverages, honorary professor Herb Heneman’s Commercialization of Distilled Spirits course will highlight other imperative ends that must be met to get a product to the consumer.
Heneman comes from a 30-year career in beverage sales and marketing, from Red Bull to MillerCoors to Sazerac to Bardstown Bourbon Company, where he most recently served as the Chief Commercial Officer. Since then, he has undertaken an entrepreneurial venture in Bar Diver Cocktails and is now an adjunct faculty member at the Beam Institute.

“A lot of people get into craft brewing, craft distilling or winemaking because it’s a very glamorous business,” Heneman said. “But the reality is that behind the scenes, a lot of hard work has to be done to monetize your craft.”
The class, AFE 300, spans two semesters. The first will cover subjects like compliance, finance and branding, concluding with groups of students presenting ideas for their own bourbon brand. In the second semester, Heneman will assist students in bringing their brand from their minds to the shelves.
“I want to impart these behind-the-scenes skills to the students in this class because it will position them to be so much more successful than they would be without it,” Heneman said.
For the class to be as realistic as possible, Heneman donated bourbon from his personal stock at Bardstown Bourbon Co. to the Independent Stave Company Boswell Family Warehouse on campus. The 12 donated barrels were a variety of ages, with a total value of just under $40,000. Heneman’s gift will allow students to really experience what it’s like trying to get a product off the ground. When asked why he did it, Heneman noted there is a vibrancy at UK unlike anywhere else.
“Success is useless if not shared. My hope is to give the students the skills to succeed in the commercial side of the spirits industry,” Heneman said.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and the step that honorary professor Heneman took is going to change lives and broaden the reach of the James B Beam Institute for years to come, said Seth DeBolt, director of JBBI. “A lot of us talk about doing something, not Herb. He jumped in and made this happen. I am humbled and thankful, as I know the students are, to be part of such a great class.”
For more information about the Distilling, Wine and Brewing Certificate offered at the Beam Institute, visit
Writer: Grace Sowards,
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Beam Institute