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College News

Diversity conference joins three states - Learning Today: Stronger Tomorrow

Diversity conference joins three states - Learning Today: Stronger Tomorrow

Diversity conference joins three states - Learning Today: Stronger Tomorrow

Published on Dec. 23, 2009

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is combining efforts with The Ohio State University, Kentucky State University and Purdue University to offer "Learning Today: Stronger Tomorrow" at the sixth annual Tri-State Diversity Conference Feb. 4 and 5  in Hebron, Northern Kentucky.

As in past conferences, this year's event will offer participants an opportunity to network and will link resources to help integrate diversity into programs, policies and practices to create community well-being. The conference is designed specifically for extension personnel; educators, administrators, faculty and staff from private and public colleges, universities and K-12 schools; community outreach leaders; health and social services professionals; employers and supervisors; human resources staff and others wanting to empower greater diversity and cultural understanding within their communities.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. at the Marriott, Cincinnati Airport. In the 9 a.m. kickoff general session, James A. Banks of Seattle, Wash. will offer a presentation titled "Diversity in America: Challenges and Opportunities for Educating Citizens in a Global Age." Banks has been a researcher and leader in efforts to increase educational quality for students for more than three decades.

Feb. 4 concurrent sessions begin at 11 a.m. and will include:

  • Inclusion: The Ultimate Goal
  • Building Equitable Partnerships
  • Healthy Communities: Improving the Quality of Life for All
  • Diversity and Social Justice
  • Get More Bang for Your Buck: Teaching Money Management and Basic Life Skills
  • A Place at the Table! Are all teens invited to have a seat and join?
  • What's Race Got to Do with It? An honest conversation about the impact of racism on families
  • Cultivating New Volunteers from the Latino Community
  • Fabulous Foods from Diverse Destinations

Feb. 5 concurrent sessions begin at 8:45 a.m. and will include:

  • Leadership in Dealing with Difficult Multicultural Discussions
  • Creative Inclusive Youth Environments: Some Practical Tools
  • Dismantling Oppression by Building People Power
  • Keeping it REAL: Homophobia Affects Everyone

The closing session at lunch on Feb. 5 will feature Raymond Terrell of Oxford, Ohio. He will offer a presentation titled "Cultural Proficiency: Platforms for change." Terrell believes cultural proficiency enables leaders to create an inclusive and instructionally powerful learning environment.

Preconference, special-interest seminars will occur on Feb. 3 and include, "Weight – The Reality Series" and "Master Money Mentor Training: A Financial Coaching Asset-building Resource."

To qualify for an early-bird discount, please register by Jan. 15. Registration postmarked by Jan. 14 is $150. Registration postmarked Jan. 16 through 29 is $175. Registrants may also choose one-day registration for $100 if postmarked by Jan. 15 and $150 if postmarked by Jan. 16 through 29. Registration includes two lunches, a dinner buffet and a breakfast buffet. If registering after Jan. 30, interested individuals must call 812-427-2818 to determine availability. If available, registration at that time is $225.

To register, send name, address, phone number and e-mail address with a check or money order made out to Tri-State Diversity Conference, c/o Ginger Furnish, P.O. Box 175, Vevay, IN., 47043.

For more information or to print a registration form, visit the conference Web site at

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Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064