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‘A gesture of goodwill’: UK Equine Weekend of Service set for Nov. 2-3

‘A gesture of goodwill’: UK Equine Weekend of Service set for Nov. 2-3

‘A gesture of goodwill’: UK Equine Weekend of Service set for Nov. 2-3

Meet fellow equine enthusiasts and volunteer to help the local community during this weekend of service events.


The University of Kentucky Ag Equine Programs at the Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is inviting students and the public to take part in the Equine Weekend of Service on Nov. 2-3. This volunteer opportunity offers participants the chance to engage in various community service activities, including preserving historic sites and working hands-on with horses at local equine centers. 

The event spans multiple locations, with each site offering unique activities, such as light landscaping, event setup and working directly with rescued horses. 

“The Weekend of Service is not only a great networking opportunity for our student body, but also a gesture of goodwill to our beloved equine industry here in the Bluegrass,” said Mary Jane Little, Ag Equine Programs academic coordinator. “We partner with local nonprofits and establishments who could use a helping hand with tasks ranging from facility cleaning, landscaping and grooming horses.” 

Volunteers can assist in maintaining the historic African Cemetery No. 2 site.
Volunteers can assist in maintaining the historic African Cemetery No. 2 site, just one of several opportunities offered. Photo provided by the Wildcat Wranglers.

At African Cemetery No. 2, volunteers will assist in maintaining the historic site, engaging in light landscaping and cleaning grave markers. This cemetery holds significant historical importance as it includes the burial site of Isaac Burns Murphy, a renowned African American jockey.  

For those interested in equine care, volunteers at BraveHearts Equine Center, a draft horse rescue with over 140 animals, can assist with grooming, leading horses or contributing to social media content to raise awareness about the rescue’s mission.  

Central Kentucky Riding for Hope, a facility that assists with the quality of life and the health of children and adults with special physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs through therapeutic activities, allows volunteers to work in their barn and interact with horses.  

Other locations include Masterson Equestrian Trust where volunteers will help set up a hunter pace, an event where diverse teams of riders work in completing a marked course closest to optimal time while mimicking foxhunting conditions. In addition, volunteers can distribute water, snacks and assist where needed at the start line. Our Mims Retirement Haven invites participants to care for retired broodmares by feeding and grooming, as well as other tasks around the farm. 

“The thing I am looking forward to most with the event is seeing the people engage and give back, and to see the Wildcat Wranglers, UK Ag Equine Programs’ student ambassador team, provide servant leadership through this experience,” Little said. “They have done a wonderful job coordinating logistics and problem solving along the way.”

Participants can sign up for a location here and select the shift of their choice, with transportation provided to select sites. Those working double shifts are encouraged to bring a sack lunch.

To learn more about the Ag Equine Weekend of Service event, visit For more information, contact Mary Jane Little at


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Equine Events

Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064