Heart of America Grazing Conference comes to Lexington
Heart of America Grazing Conference comes to Lexington

Midwestern forage and livestock producers can get the latest research-based information at the Heart of America Grazing Conference. Hosted by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council and the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, the conference begins the afternoon of Jan. 25 and goes through the afternoon of Jan. 26 at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Lexington. One- and two-day registrations are available.
The conference only comes to the state every five years, as it annually rotates between Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri.
“It’s a great time to get together people from Kentucky and surrounding states to learn about forages and particularly how those fit into livestock systems,” said Ray Smith, UK forage extension specialist and one of the conference’s organizers.
This year’s conference will feature sessions on three topics: curing fescue toxicity, alfalfa management and extending the grazing season. Speakers are grazing specialists from UK, the University of Tennessee, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agriculture Research Service and Kentucky forage and livestock producers.
“This conference will provide information that livestock producers can apply immediately on their farms,” Smith said.
Discounted early registration rates of $50 for one day, $85 for both days and $40 for students are available through Jan. 13. After Jan. 13, each rate will increase by $10.
The full program and online registration are available at http://www.uky.edu/ag/forages. The website also includes instructions for how to mail in registration forms and payments.
Continuing education units will be available for Certified Crop Advisers.
Crops Events Extension Livestock