IPM Training School set for March 8 in Paducah
IPM Training School set for March 8 in Paducah

University of Kentucky specialists will share current integrated pest management research during the 2023 Integrated Pest Management Training School. The one-day workshop is March 8 beginning 8 a.m. CST at the McCracken County Extension office in Paducah. Participants may also join via Zoom.
Training consists of a morning field crops session and an afternoon horticulture session. Each session includes the latest information from the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment on research, new technology and trends.
The morning sessions will feature presentations from UK specialists on pesticide certification and training, herbicide resistance in Kentucky weeds, corn diseases, fungicide resistance and managing foliar pathogens in soybeans. Other topics include stink bug control in soybeans, caterpillar management in soybeans, soil sampling, testing and recommendations.
UK entomology, plant disease, horticulture and vegetable production specialists will present during afternoon sessions. Topics include advanced fungicide concepts, forest health, root-knot nematode management, soil water monitoring options for horticulture crops, invasive species and current wildlife management issues in Kentucky.
“Farmers are still dealing with high input prices as we get deeper into 2023,” said Ric Bessin, UK extension entomologist. “We know that using IPM is a proven way to optimize nutrient and pesticide inputs while maintaining high yields. This training school will provide Kentucky farmers with tools to meet the challenges and ways to advance field crop and horticultural cropping systems.”
Whether attending virtually or in person, individuals should register for the meeting at https://uky.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYqduitrjIsGdZk53kIXjUTc_vgNdkT-bBp.
The training offers continuing education units for pesticide applicators and Certified Crop Advisers.
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