Mid-South Stocker Conference goes virtual to reach cattle producers
Mid-South Stocker Conference goes virtual to reach cattle producers

The 2021 Mid-South Stocker Conference will challenge producers to take a broad view of their operations from the comfort of their homes. Due to COVID-19, the conference is taking place online with the theme, “Looking at the Big Picture — How the Parts Fit Together in Your System.”
The Mid-South Stocker Conference is an annual event, a partnership of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the University of Tennessee. It aims to helps stocker operators explore ideas for efficient and healthy cattle production and helps define stocker production’s role in a rapidly evolving cattle industry to effectively meet consumer expectations.
This year, the virtual conference is Feb. 23, 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. EST.
“This year, the conference will be shorter due to its online nature, but we are still going to offer producers valuable, practical information,” said Jeffrey Lehmkuhler, UK beef specialist.
In the opening session at 12:40 p.m. EST Dr. John Groves, veterinarian for Livestock Veterinary Service in Eldon, Missouri, will focus on a systems approach to maintaining health in high-risk calves. Videos from conference sponsors will follow. Participants will take part in virtual producer tours and a panel discussion at 1:15 p.m. EST. In the final session, University of Florida livestock economics specialist Chris Prevatt will help producers understand and learn how to implement risk management tools.
For more information and to register, visit https://midsouthstockerconference.utk.edu/. Registration for the 2021 conference is free. After registration, participants will receive instructions to connect to the event. The Mid-South Stocker Conference helps stocker operators explore ideas for efficient and healthy cattle production and helps define stocker production’s role in a rapidly evolving cattle industry to effectively meet consumer expectations.