Program dares youth to embrace dairy industry
Program dares youth to embrace dairy industry

In a time when the average age of farmers in Kentucky is about 57 years old, according the U.S Department of Agriculture, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is providing creative ways to get youth to embrace agriculture. In late October, young people will get a chance to learn about the dairy industry in a program called Dare to Dairy,which is open to the public.
“The current generation is three to five generations removed from the farm,” said Jeffrey Bewley, UKAg dairy specialist. “At the same time, farmers are having to become more than farmers to stay on the farm. It’s important that we promote dairy and agriculture in general to these kids so they will want to become our future agricultural leaders.”
Students involved in the UK Dairy Club and the Department of Animal and Food Sciences have compiled their top animal sciences experiences, those that became “A-ha!” moments, and will share those with children ages 9 through 18 during the Dare to Dairy program Oct. 26 at the UK Coldstream Dairy.
Organizers expect to answer students’ questions like:
“What goes on inside the cow’s hooves?”
“What goes on inside the cow’s rumen?”
“What happens inside the cow’s reproductive tract?”
“How can we make sure a baby calf gets off to a good start in life?”
“How is milk made?”
Participants should wear boots or sneakers and clothes they don’t mind getting dirty, because many of the lessons will be interactive on the farm. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and instruction lasts until 4:30 p.m. Preregistration is expected by Oct. 4 and is $15. Make checks payable to KY PDCA, indicate a T-shirt size and mail to Larissa Tucker, 403 W.P. Garrigus Bldg., University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0215. For more information, contact Tucker at 859-257-5986 or email
The UK Coldstream Dairy is located at 2810 Georgetown Road in Lexington. Turn right into the dairy from Georgetown Road just before it goes over I-64/I-75.
4 H Youth Extension Livestock