Registration open for 2021 Kentucky Woodland Owners Short Course
Registration open for 2021 Kentucky Woodland Owners Short Course

LEXINGTON, Ky., —The Kentucky Woodland Owners Short Course is the most extensive educational program designed specifically for Kentucky woodland owners. Registration is now open for the 2021 course, which consists of online sessions and in-person sessions tailored toward Eastern, Central or Western Kentucky woodland issues.
Administered by University of Kentucky Forestry and Natural Resources Extension, the short course instructs woodland owners on why and how they can manage their woodlands and also connects them with those who can provide technical and financial assistance to do so.
“Not everyone knows where to turn to for advice on how to meet their property objectives, but the Woodland Owners Short Course helps woodland owners find the many resources available to them in the state,” said Billy Thomas, UK extension forester in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
Course participants can attend all four on-line sessions and one field session in their region. On-line sessions take place on Zoom from 7 to 8:30 p.m. EDT, with two sessions a week held over a two-week period. All sessions will be recorded.
Online topics include:
- July 27 - The 5 W’s of Woodland Management in Kentucky
- July 29 - Woodland Health
- August 3 - Woodland Management Practices
- August 5 - Wildlife Management Practices
An in-person field session will take place in each region from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EDT.
- West region: Aug. 14 at the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton, Caldwell County. Deadline to register is Aug. 11.
- East region: Aug. 21 at UK’s Robinson Forest in Breathitt County. Registration deadline is Aug. 18.
- Central region: Aug. 28 at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest in Bullitt County. Deadline to register is Aug. 25
Small-scale logging equipment demonstrations will take place at each location.
People without woodland property, but who have an interest in learning more about the subject, also are invited to enroll. Registered attendees can watch the live webinars or view the recorded sessions at their own convenience.
Registration is required and includes lunch during the field session, a clipboard binder and reference resources. Register online at Tuition is $15 per person or $25 per couple. Registrants will receive directions for attending the field session they select. Email or call 859-257-7597 for more information.
The 2021 Woodland Owners Short Course is a partnership between the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, UK Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Kentucky Division of Forestry, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Kentucky State University, Kentucky Tree Farm Committee, Kentucky Woodland Owners Association, National Woodland Owners Association, U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, Kentucky Forest Industries Association, the Kentucky Association of Consulting Foresters and Sustainable Forestry Initiative.
Events Extension Forestry