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College News

UK Robinson Center hosting Wildflower Hike April 16

UK Robinson Center hosting Wildflower Hike April 16

UK Robinson Center hosting Wildflower Hike April 16

Kentucky has dozens of wildflower species blooming in the spring.


The Mountain Monday Series will move to Saturday this month for a Wildflower Hike Saturday, April 16. Mountain Mondays is hosted by the University of Kentucky Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability.

UK Department of Plant and Soil Sciences associate professor Tim Phillips will lead participants on a non-strenuous hike through Robinson Forest to discover a beautiful array of spring wildflowers. Some common Kentucky wildflowers include blue-eyed Marys, violets, bloodroot, blue lobelia, larkspur, Jack-in-the-pulpit, phlox, phacelia, anemone, trout lily.

Registration for the walk is $10, which includes lunch. To ensure a spot in the group, register by April 12. To register, call 606-666-2438.

The walk will begin at 10 a.m. EDT at the Robinson Forest Camp. For those who do not want to drive to the camp, vans will depart the auditorium parking lot of Robinson Center at 9:15 a.m.

The Mountain Monday Series focuses on a different topic each month. The May installment of the series will focus on readying athletic fields for fall play. The series is just one way the center, part of the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, works to fulfill its mission to increase the long-term, value-added sustainable income, and sustainable flow of economic, ecological, and social goods and services from the land, natural resources and people of Eastern Kentucky and the Appalachian Region. For a schedule and more information about Robinson Center for Appalachian Resource Sustainability programs, visit the website at

Events Extension Sustainability

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Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064