University of Kentucky James B. Beam Institute opens registration for 2025 Industry Conference
University of Kentucky James B. Beam Institute opens registration for 2025 Industry Conference

As the Kentucky spirits industry continues to grow, so does the necessity of educating and preparing the current and next generation of distillers. The University of Kentucky James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits (JBBI), in partnership with the Kentucky Distillers' Association (KDA), has opened registration for the 2025 Industry Conference.
The conference, to be held on UK’s campus March 17-19, brings together distillers, researchers and many other industry personnel to connect and share their passion for bourbon. Conference sessions will be led by industry leaders and cover current and emerging topics related to spirit production, business, new technology and agriculture, as well as consumer-focused topics like branding and sales.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Ouita Michel, owner of several farm-to-table restaurants in the Lexington area.
Seth DeBolt, director of JBBI, believes UK is the perfect place to host the conference.
“I cannot wait to welcome everyone back to campus. Spring break week here on campus is a wonderful time to run the conference, as the incredible facilities at the Gatton Student Center and Champions kitchen are all ours,” DeBolt said. “There is just something about a university environment too—the world class facilities and overall spirit of learning make it ideal for networking, exchanging ideas or checking out our industry leading vendors.”
KDA President Eric Gregory is grateful for the opportunity to provide a collaborative and educational environment for industry professionals and support the progress of such cutting-edge research.
“This conference brings together minds from all over the globe to collaborate and move the needle forward for our signature industry,” Gregory said. “Kentucky is the place, and this is the conference for world-class research and discussion.”
Early bird registration is $400 for the full conference and $200 for one-day passes through Jan. 21, 2025. Beginning Jan. 22, full-conference registration will increase to $500 and day passes to $250. Discounted tickets will be available for students, faculty and staff. Registration includes educational sessions, exhibits, lunch and networking engagements.
Individuals or vendors can register for the conference here. To stay up to date on announcements leading up to the event, or for more information about registration, visit
The James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits resides within the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment via the university’s partnership with Suntory Global Spirits. For more information, visit
Writer: Grace Sowards,
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Beam Institute