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University of Kentucky launches 2024 Fall Crop Protection webinar series

University of Kentucky launches 2024 Fall Crop Protection webinar series

University of Kentucky launches 2024 Fall Crop Protection webinar series

The free online webinars will address key topics in field crop integrated pest management.

Lexington, Ky.—

The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, in partnership with the Southern Integrated Pest Management Center, is pleased to announce the 2024 Fall Crop Protection Webinar Series. Hosted by the UK Research and Education Center at Princeton, this annual series will focus on current challenges and solutions in integrated pest management (IPM) for field crops, offering crucial insights for agriculture professionals navigating the growing season. 

Running from mid-October through late November, the series will provide expert-led discussions on managing insect pests, optimizing fungicide applications, improving herbicide practices and addressing wheat diseases. Each webinar is one hour, starting at 10 a.m. ET/9 a.m. CT, and will offer attendees the opportunity to earn continuing education credits (CEUs). 

“The webinars are ideal for a range of participants, including agriculture and natural resource county extension agents, crop consultants, farmers and industry professionals,” said Kiersten Wise, extension plant pathologist. “Attendees from both within Kentucky and across state lines are welcome. The program is design to tackle a pest management challenges nationwide.” 

For Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs), each session qualifies for one CEU in Integrated Pest Management, totaling four CEUs for the entire series. Kentucky pesticide applicators can also earn four CEUs for Category 1a (Agricultural Plant) if they attend all four webinars. 

Webinar Schedule and Topics 

The series features a lineup of specialists from UK Martin-Gatton CAFE who will share their expertise on managing key pests and diseases affecting crops: 

  1. October 15 – Dealing with Stink Bugs and Other Insect Pests in 2023-24 
    Speaker: Raul Villanueva, extension entomologist. This session will explore the resurgence of stink bugs and other significant insect threats from the past year and practical strategies for managing these pests in the upcoming season. Register here

  1. October 29 – Maximizing Disease Control and Return on Investment for Corn Fungicides 
    Speaker: Kiersten Wise. Focusing on corn fungicides, Wise will present evidence-based recommendations to help farmers make more informed decisions about fungicide applications, ensuring maximum disease control and a better return on investment. Register here

  1. November 12 – Spray Application Parameters: The Offensive Line of Herbicide Applications 
    Speaker: Travis Legleiter, extension weeds specialist. 
    This webinar will cover the latest techniques for improving the accuracy and effectiveness of herbicide applications, including the key factors that influence spray performance and reduce off-target movement. 
    Register here. 

  1. November 26 – Management of Important Wheat Diseases in Kentucky 
    Speaker: Carl Bradley, extension plant pathologist. Bradley will address current and emerging diseases that threaten wheat crops in Kentucky, offering management recommendations and preventive measures to protect yields. 
    Register here

Attendees will gain practical insights into managing pest and disease threats, learning from experienced specialists who understand the specific challenges faced by farmers and agricultural professionals. These webinars will cover tactical pest control, equipping participants with the knowledge needed to improve crop health and productivity in the long term. 

Participation is free. Pre-registration is required for each webinar. To register, visit  

For more information on the series or specific inquiries, please contact Jason Travis, plant and soil sciences extension associate, via email at


Writer: Jordan Strickler,                                                                                        

The Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is an Equal Opportunity Organization with respect to education and employment and authorization to provide research, education information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, physical or mental disability or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.      

Crops Events

Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064