Alfalfa Conference to focus on hay production, marketing and mechanization
Alfalfa Conference to focus on hay production, marketing and mechanization

Forage producers rely on successful production strategies and marketing skills to turn a profit in a competitive agriculture industry. During the upcoming 42nd annual Kentucky Alfalfa and Stored Forage Conference, University of Kentucky forage specialists, Kentucky farmers and industry speakers will offer research-based information and ideas to maximize producers’ efforts and profits.
“We are especially excited to have a significant portion of the program devoted to hearing from successful producers,” said Jimmy Henning, UK forage extension specialist. “These alfalfa growers have a proven track record of producing high-quality hay and have agreed to share some of the practices that have helped them be successful.”
The daylong conference is from 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. CST, Feb. 21 at the Cave City Convention Center in Cave City. The UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment and the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council will host the event.
Topics include increasing alfalfa sales to horse owners, hay production in the Deep South, options for hay mechanization from a producer’s perspective, hay mechanization industry overview, a KFGC update, fall armyworm research, assessing the nutrient status of Kentucky alfalfa stands and options for managing thinning alfalfa stands.
UK forage specialist Chris Teutsch and other faculty from the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton will give a tornado recovery update. During a panel discussion, past winners of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Hay Contest will share ideas that have helped them improve their haying operations.
In addition to the presentations, the conference will include awards, exhibits and a silent auction.
Individuals may preregister for the conference at the Kentucky Alfalfa and Stored Forage Conference Eventbrite site. Registration is $40 for general admission or $15 for students. Those without internet access may mail registration and a check made payable to KFGC to Jimmy Henning, N-222D Agricultural Science Center North, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0091. For more information, call Henning at 859-229-4989 or visit the UK Forages website at