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Report highlights impact of state’s nonprofit sector

Report highlights impact of state’s nonprofit sector

Report highlights impact of state’s nonprofit sector

Published on Apr. 4, 2008

A report released by the University of Kentucky Nonprofit Leadership Initiative highlights the social and economic impact of the state’s nonprofit sector. The report is being released as part of Kentucky Nonprofit Week, April 6-12. Kentucky Nonprofit Week is an opportunity to increase the community's awareness of the importance and value provided by Kentucky's nonprofit organizations.

“More Than Charity: Kentucky Nonprofit Report” features the most recent information and statistics on Kentucky’s nonprofit organizations.

“This report continues to illustrate each year how vital Kentucky’s nonprofit sector is in our Commonwealth, both in services provided and economic impact,” said Danielle Clore, director of the Nonprofit Leadership Initiative. “Nonprofit organizations are busier than ever in these tough economic times and it has become even more critical that community leaders, policy makers, the business community and citizens who are volunteers and donors recognize that the nonprofit sector is an essential partner, and often taking the lead in improving the quality of life in communities across Kentucky.”

The nonprofit sector in Kentucky comprises a vast and diverse set of organizations that include childcare centers, environmental, advocacy, and civil rights groups, hospitals, food pantries, educational institutions, theaters and faith-based organizations.

The report draws on 2005 data that nonprofit organizations are required to file with the Internal Revenue Service, among other sources. Highlights include:

• Kentucky’s nonprofit sector grew at a rate of 56 percent during the past ten years.

• In 2005, the sector contributed more than $13 billion to Kentucky’s economy, which is nearly 10 percent of the gross state product.

• In 2005, the average charitable contribution of Kentuckians itemizing deductions was $3,250, or 3.1 percent of income. The national average of income contributed is 2.5 percent.

• Human services organizations make up the largest portion of Kentucky’s reporting charitable nonprofits at 39 percent.

• Jefferson and Fayette counties are home to approximately 39 percent of Kentucky’s reporting organizations, with a total of 911 and 466 nonprofits respectively.

The full report, including county specific data, is available at

The Nonprofit Leadership Initiative is an outreach program of the UK College of Agriculture. The Initiative’s mission is to serve, support and strengthen the nonprofit sector in Kentucky. The Initiative provides quality programs and services that encourage nonprofit collaboration, effectiveness, accountability and innovation to strengthen our communities.

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