News Archive: Sustainability
UK webinar series to help farm families work through current economic challenges
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 9, 2020
The series begins July 23 and will go live the of following three Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT/6 p.m. CDT.
UK to host virtual Corn and Soybean Field Day
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 7, 2020
The two-day event will occur July 21 and July 28.
UK weed scientist helps growers reduce herbicide drift
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 15, 2020
Read how weed scientist Travis Legleiter is helping growers minimize herbicide drift.
Think about horse hay needs now

Aimee Nielson
Published on Jun. 8, 2020
Feeding horses is expensive. Producers need to think about winter hay supplies now.
UK specialist offers strategies for dairy farmers in case of pandemic-induced demand drop

Aimee Nielson
Published on May. 8, 2020
UK dairy scientist offers guidance to producers to help them prepare in the event they are asked to decrease milk production
Sophie Beavin Honored as Student Employee of the Year
Steve Ivey
Published on May. 7, 2020
Sophie Beavin, a student in natural resources and environmental science received the 2020 Student Employee of the Year award from UK Human Resources.
UK to host Virtual Wheat Field Day
Katie Pratt
Published on Apr. 27, 2020
The virtual field day is May 12 on the video conferencing app Zoom.
Earth Day celebrates 50th anniversary amid a pandemic
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Apr. 20, 2020
Earth Day has a distinguished history, contributing to the formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act.
Megan Andrews bags the win in “Bag the Doo” student logo competition
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Apr. 20, 2020
UK Experts Weigh In on Trends That Will Define the Decade: Farm-to-Table and Local Food Sourcing
Danielle Donham
Published on Apr. 20, 2020