Integrated Pest Management Training School set for March 18 in Bowling Green
Integrated Pest Management Training School set for March 18 in Bowling Green

University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment extension specialists and associates will share the latest on integrated pest management (IPM) research during the annual 2024 IPM Training School. Diverse topics include field crops, horticulture and wildlife management in agricultural settings.
Continuing a tradition spanning more than 25 years, this annual one-day workshop will take place on March 18 beginning at 8 a.m. (CST) at the Warren County extension office in Bowling Green. Participants may also join via Zoom.
“This meeting will update county agents, consultants, industry professionals and producers on the latest Kentucky pest management and nutrient research for agronomic and specialty crops,” said Ric Bessin, UK extension entomologist. “The goal is to provide producers with the latest information to grow crops maximizing economic return and environmental sustainability."
UK specialists from departments including plant and soil sciences, weed science, plant pathology, horticulture, biosystems and agriculture engineering, agricultural economics and entomology will share their research in two training programs.
The training programs include morning field crops and afternoon horticulture sessions. Each session includes updates on recent research, trends and new technologies.
The morning sessions will feature presentations on herbicide resistance screening and weed control, cover crops, soybean soilborne diseases and insecticide efficacy. Other topics include the agronomics and economics of various nutrient sources for crop production and the application of low-cost GPS technologies to improve input usage.
The afternoon sessions will feature information on mildews, greenhouse disease management, cover cropping in vegetable production systems, invasive species impact, wildlife management conflicts and more.
The training also offers continuing education units for commercial pesticide applicators and Certified Crop Advisers.
Online registration, for virtual or in person attendance, is available at the UK Research and Education Center website under events or directly at
The Warren County extension office is located at 5162 Russellville Road in Bowling Green and online at For questions or more information, contact Zenaida Viloria at or 859-562-1336.
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Biosystems Ag Engineering Crops Entomology Extension Horticulture