Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program accepting nominations for next class
Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program accepting nominations for next class

The Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program (KALP) is seeking participants to engage in its two-year leadership experience, which is designed to empower the next generation of young agricultural producers and agribusiness professionals.
“Our seminar topics and speakers challenge class members preconceived notions about how they see the world of agriculture, and connects them with local, state, and national leaders,” Will Snell, KALP co-director said.
The next cohort of KALP participants will engage in eight in-state and study seminars in Washington D.C., the Pacific Northwest and Southeast Asia. KALP’s curriculum encompasses a range of development topics including leadership styles, strategic planning, civil discourse, global markets and trade, and domestic and international policy.
Approximately 330 KALP alumni hold a wide range of local, state and national leadership positions in agriculture and rural communities.
“As professionals, it’s rare to have a consistent, dedicated time to be intentional about self-improvement and reflection,” 2023 KALP graduate Ben Carr said. “KALP provides the space to separate from the daily noise, focus on growth and build trust with people who challenge their perspectives of themselves and the world.”
The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Food, Agriculture and Environment administers KALP, assisted by an advisory board comprised of regional universities, farm groups and program alumni. KALP is a statewide program with over 200 financial supporters including individuals, alumni, farm organizations and the Kentucky Ag Development Board.
“We are excited to build and shape the next KALP class,” Steve Isaacs, KALP co-director, said. “We are seeking engaged and enthusiastic participants, willing to dedicate time in developing new leadership, communications and management competencies.”
Class 14 will begin in February of next year and is slated to graduate in August 2025. Self-nominations from interested agriculturalists are welcomed.
For more information, or to nominate/self-nominate, visit
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