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Kentucky Beef Conference to address industry challenges and future innovations

Kentucky Beef Conference to address industry challenges and future innovations

Kentucky Beef Conference to address industry challenges and future innovations

Top beef industry experts, producers and business leaders will gather for a full day of learning and networking at the 2024 Kentucky Beef Conference.

Lexington, Ky.—

The 2024 Kentucky Beef Conference is gearing up to tackle the most pressing issues facing today’s beef producers while exploring cutting-edge advancements to shape the industry's future. Set for Oct. 24 in Lexington, the conference, titled “Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Opportunities,” will bring together top experts, producers and industry leaders for a full day of insights and networking. 

The day starts at 10 a.m. ET with welcome remarks from Beau Neal, Woodford County agriculture and natural resources extension agent, and Laura Stephenson, associate dean for extension at the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

“The Kentucky Beef Conference is an informative event that covers a vast array of topics in the beef industry, and the hope is that the information provided will allow producers to be more profitable and maintain sustainability,” Neal said. 

Troy Rowan, beef genetics extension specialist from the University of Tennessee’s Institute of Agriculture, will lead the morning session with a presentation on genomics technology. His talk will focus on the latest advancements in genetics and how they are shaping the future of beef production. 

Following the genomics session, UK beef economics extension specialist Kenny Burdine will provide an update on marketing trends and offer insights on beef producers' economic outlook. His presentation will highlight strategies to help producers better understand and navigate market shifts in the coming year. The market outlook is always one of the highlights of the conference. 

Following a lunch break, ruminant veterinarian and associate professor at Martin-Gatton CAFE Michelle Arnold will discuss the latest changes and updates related to animal tagging. Her talk will provide crucial information for producers regarding regulatory changes and best practices in the field.  

The afternoon will close with a presentation by Steve Velasco, state veterinarian with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Velasco will provide an update on cattle health and address current disease threats and best management practices. 

The conference will conclude at 2 p.m. ET, allowing attendees to engage in further discussions and networking. Attendees are asked to RSVP by Oct. 22 by contacting the Fayette County Extension Office at 859-257-5582. 

“The Kentucky Beef Conference is a great opportunity for beef cattle producers to hear from industry experts and UK extension specialists on the marketing outlook for the upcoming year and learn about other important and timely topics,” said Linda McClanahan, Mercer County extension agent for agriculture and natural resources. 

The conference will be held at the Fayette County Extension Office at 1140 Harry Sykes Way. Registration opens at 9 a.m. with a $10 fee payable at the door. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early to engage with sponsors and network before the program begins at 10 a.m. 

Please contact the Fayette County Extension Office at 859-257-5582 for further information. 


Writer: Jordan Strickler,                                                                                         

The Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is an Equal Opportunity Organization with respect to education and employment and authorization to provide research, education information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, physical or mental disability or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. 

Events Extension Livestock

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Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064