Powers elected president of national association
Powers elected president of national association

University of Kentucky’s Laura Powers was named president of the board of directors of the National Association of Farm Business Analysis Specialists during their recent conference. The association’s membership represents 40,000 farm families in Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska and Wisconsin.
“Laura’s role in the national association has been a tremendous asset to the Kentucky program and her leadership has benefited all farm analysis programs throughout the country,” said Jerry Pierce, coordinator for the Kentucky Farm Business Management Program. “This was especially helpful recently with the rapidly changing COVID-19 programs. The association was able to quickly provide accurate information and training for its members. This enabled us to educate farmers, Extension agents and others.”
Since 2012, Powers has worked for Kentucky Farm Business Management, which is part of the UK Cooperative Extension Service. As an area farm agent, she helps Pennyroyal Area farmers use sound recordkeeping techniques and analysis to improve their management practices and make sound financial management decisions for their operations. She primarily serves clients in Todd and Logan counties.
Prior to joining Kentucky Farm Business Management, Powers worked as an extension specialist in tobacco financial analysis and labor education in the Department of Agricultural Economics, which is part of the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. She also worked as a credit analyst with CoBank and a business development specialist with the Kentucky Center for Agriculture and Rural Development.
As president of the association, Powers will work with the executive director to ensure the association’s business aligns with the organization’s mission. She will also participate in board of directors' activities which include leading efforts to manage the association’s finances and memberships, planning an annual conference and providing educational opportunities for association members.
“The association takes the need to keep our members well trained and educated very seriously,” Powers said. “As farm business needs change, we must stay up-to-date on how to best serve our clients.”
Powers has served as the Kentucky representative to the association’s board of directors for five years, including two years as its vice president.
A native of Hawesville, Powers earned both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural economics at UK.
More information on the Kentucky Farm Business Management Program is available at http://agecon.ca.uky.edu/kfbm.
Awards Economics Extension