Registration open for 2024 Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference
Registration open for 2024 Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference

Registration is now open for the 2024 Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference, inviting Kentucky produce growers to interact and gain valuable production and marketing training. The event is scheduled Jan. 3-4 at Bowling Green’s Sloan Convention Center. Pre-Conference events begin Jan. 2.
“A great deal of thought and planning always goes into organizing the different sessions,” said Rachel Rudolph, University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment extension vegetable specialist. “We have a good mix of speakers this year with several grower panels, extension specialists, graduate students and experts from several state organizations.”
The conference offers over 90 speakers covering a range of production and marketing topics, including a trade show featuring more than 60 exhibitors. The event comprises sessions on various aspects of fruit and vegetable production, both for beginners and advanced growers, as well as high tunnels, organic production, business management and a new session on funding opportunities for specialty crop growers. Additional events include a farmers market short course, a farm food safety plan writing workshop and the grower meet-up sessions.
Featured speakers at the conference include the USDA Risk Management Agency’s Cody Adkins, Megan Bruch Leffew from the University of Tennessee Center for Profitable Agriculture, Purdue University’s Wenjing Guan and Dave Lockwood from the University of Tennessee.
“We are excited to help bring this educational event to Kentucky specialty crop growers,” said Cindy Finneseth, Kentucky Horticulture Council (KHC) executive director. “With such a diversity of educational tracks, there are sessions for all growers to learn new techniques and production practices that will help increase profitability.”
Pre-registration cost is $50 until Dec. 15, 2023. After this date, registration increases to $75 and will be available online or on-site. Tickets can be purchased at Limited sponsorship opportunities are also available.
For more event information, visit, contact 859-490-0889 or email
The conference is organized by the UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Kentucky State Horticultural Society, Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association, Organic Association of Kentucky, KHC, Kentucky State University and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture.
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