UK Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day and Irrigation Forum Aug. 1
UK Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day and Irrigation Forum Aug. 1

Specialists with the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment are hosting the Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day Aug. 1 from 7:30 a.m. until noon CDT at the UK Research Farm in Princeton. An Irrigation Forum will follow at 1:30 p.m.
The field day will feature tours of UK research plots for corn and soybeans and tobacco. The grain crops and tobacco tours will run concurrently, but producers will have opportunities to participate in parts of both.
During the corn and soybean tour, specialists from UK and the University of Tennessee will present information about the latest research in soil management, crop management and integrated pest management. Topics include compaction, fragipan, cover crops, disease problems, herbicide resistance, insecticide seed treatments, high-yield soybeans, corn row widths and populations, and new hybrids and varieties.
The tobacco tour includes presentations from UK and UT specialists on diseases, chemical residues and new varieties.
Continuing education credits are available for pesticide applicators for three general hours and one specific hour in categories 1A, 4, 10 and 12. Certified Crop Advisors can receive 3.5 continuing education units in the following categories: 1.5 in pest management and one each in crop management and soil and water.
The field day concludes with lunch provided by the Kentucky Corn Growers Association, the Kentucky Soybean Board and DuPont.
The UK Research Farm is located at 1134 Hopkinsville St. in Princeton.
UK specialists will host the Irrigation Forum with the intent of answering participants’ questions surrounding irrigation systems in Kentucky. The two-hour forum will be held at the UK Research and Education Center, which is across the street from the UK Research Farm. Forum panelists include representatives from the Kentucky Division of Water, Kentucky Geological Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, UK specialists and farmers currently irrigating their fields. The Kentucky Small Grain Growers Association is sponsoring the forum.
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