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UK Department of Horticulture, partners to host 2025 KY Fruit and Vegetable Conference

UK Department of Horticulture, partners to host 2025 KY Fruit and Vegetable Conference

UK Department of Horticulture, partners to host 2025 KY Fruit and Vegetable Conference

Registration for the 2025 Fruit and Vegetable Conference is now open.


The Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference is scheduled for Jan. 6-7 at the Marriott Griffin Gate Resort in Lexington with pre-conference events Jan. 5.  

The annual conference, a cooperation among the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Kentucky State University (KSU) and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA), is the premier event for Kentucky produce and specialty crop growers to interact and gain valuable production and marketing training.   

This year’s edition has more than 80 speakers covering both general interest and specialized production topics. The trade show will have more than 70 exhibitors where attendees can learn about products and services. Kentucky State Horticultural Society (KSHS), Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association (KVGA), Organic Association of Kentucky (OAK) and Kentucky Horticulture Council (KHC) are other vital partners in executing the event. 

“We are excited to partner with several organizations across the state to bring this educational event to Kentucky’s specialty crop growers,” said Cindy Finneseth, UK Cooperative Extension community horticulture specialist. “With familiar and new educational tracks, including an urban and small-scale track, sessions will appeal to all growers interested in learning new techniques and production practices that will help increase their profitability.” 

The conference will include a general session as well as sessions on beginner and advanced vegetable production, high tunnels, organic production, fruit production and business management. A cut flower short course will be offered in addition to a new roundtable focusing on issues important to urban and small-scale farmers.  

Other conference events include a Farmers Market Short Course organized by KDA, a Farm Food Safety Plan Writing Workshop hosted by Cultivate KY and a Bringing the Farm to School Grower Training organized by Community Farm Alliance (CFA). The popular fruit grower and vegetable grower year-in-review sessions will also take place. 

“We use the feedback from attendees at the previous year’s conference to improve upon and plan for this year’s conference,” said Rachel Rudolph, UK Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist. “It’s good to have variety so that hopefully there is something of interest for everyone—grower panels, new pest and disease information, roundtable discussions and speakers from out of state with unique expertise.” 

Kentucky specialty crop growers will present, as well as UK Cooperative Extension specialists, representatives from state agencies and excellent speakers from out of state, including Rusty Rumley, National Ag Law Center; Paul Norrod, University of Cincinnati; Annie Vogel, University of Tennessee, and Annette Wszelaki, University of Tennessee. 

The full conference program and registration instructions are available on the conference webpage.  

Pre-registration at $80 per attendee is available online through TicketSpice (, or by mailing in the meeting registration form on the event website by Friday, December 13. After this date, registration will continue online or in-person at $100 per attendee.  

Use the conference code when reserving a room for a special discounted rate. A limited number of scholarships and sponsorships are still available for beginning farmers. For scholarship, sponsorship, or registration questions call: 859-490-0889 or email:


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Crops Extension Horticulture

Contact Information

Scovell Hall Lexington, KY 40546-0064