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UK student sees fashion dream job in action on study abroad program to Italy

UK student sees fashion dream job in action on study abroad program to Italy

UK student sees fashion dream job in action on study abroad program to Italy

University of Kentucky senior Chloe Hopkins appreciated learning and traveling on a UK faculty-sponsored program to Italy.


University of Kentucky merchandising, apparel and textiles senior Chloe Hopkins found her place in the fashion industry.  

The first in her family to travel outside the country, the Bowling Green native recently studied abroad on a UK Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment faculty-directed program to Italy.  

While in Florence, Hopkins visited Flo Concept, an upcycling business dedicated to “giving new life to surplus fabric or scraps.” Hopkins has long been interested in upcycling, which is reusing discarded materials to create high-value products. This is still relatively uncommon in the fashion industry, however, so Hopkins sometimes doubted her career goals.  

“Making that connection with Flo Concept really made me more confident that this is something I can do,” Hopkins said. “Entrepreneurs sort of have this delusional belief in themselves that if they work hard and try, it will work out in the end. But I saw that my dreams were truly possible, so that was very validating.”  

Fifteen UK students went on the program, directed by Scarlett Wesley, associate professor and director of graduate studies in the Martin-Gatton CAFE Department of Retailing and Tourism Management. The 10-day program focused on the fashion and retailing industry, from design to merchandise presentation, and included seminars, professional visits, tours and more.  

A group of people pose for a photo.
Fifteen UK students participated in the education abroad program. Photo provided by Scarlett Wesley.

“The highlight for me is seeing how much students grow while participating in this experience,” Wesley said. “At the beginning of the trip, students are usually hesitant and unsure, but by the end of the trip, they are more worldly and savvy. This trip helps students to discover that the world is much bigger than they thought, and it helps them see fashion from a whole new perspective.” 

Hopkins and her fellow students experienced these cultural differences firsthand; for example, Hopkins found that people in Italy dress “nicer.” At a leather market, she successfully negotiated for a purse, which was out of her comfort zone but was a proud, enjoyable moment. 

Hopkins was a bit nervous about studying abroad but loved her experience. But she also got a little homesick, which taught her to appreciate Kentucky more when she’s home.  

“It’s important to appreciate the things life throws at you now,” Hopkins said. “Travel while you can, and travel young.” 

Hopkins advised students to find the education abroad program that works best for them—whether for two weeks or a whole semester.  

“Don’t live a life of regrets and don’t regret the time you have now that you can use to study abroad,” Hopkins said. “It’s worth it.”  

To learn more about UK education abroad opportunities, visit 

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