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UKAg professor named in top 40 Under 40

UKAg professor named in top 40 Under 40

UKAg professor named in top 40 Under 40

Bewley recognized as one of agriculture's brightest leaders.


From his early life on a dairy farm in Rineyville, Jeffrey Bewley has been committed to animal agriculture. Recently he was honored by Vance Publishing Corporation Agribusiness Group as one of its top 40 Under 40. The award recognizes people who are making a significant contribution to America’s food system.

“These are 40 of the brightest leaders in the agriculture industry, and we hope readers of all our brands are inspired by the work these young people are doing,” said Greg Johnson, editorial director of the Agribusiness Group and editor of The Packer.

Bewley started out working on his grandfather Hilary Skee’s dairy farm.

“My grandfather really encouraged my interest in dairy cattle from a young age,” he said. “He set an example for me as someone who cared equally about dairy cows and the dairy business. I was lucky to have many other mentors in high school, college, graduate school and the dairy industry. Today, I am most inspired by the enthusiastic students and innovative farmers I get to work with every day.”

Bewley earned his bachelor’s degree in animal sciences from the University of Kentucky in 1998, then went on to purse a master’s degree in dairy science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Bewley landed back at UK after earning a doctorate in dairy science at Purdue University. He is currently an associate extension professor for the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.

He said working at a land-grant university allows him opportunities to work in extension, teaching and research and to see how all those things complement each other.

“I’m interested in improving dairy farmers’ and cows’ well-being,” he said. “I focus on implementing precision dairy technology, mastitis prevention, cow comfort, preventing lameness and decision economics.”

Although his love of the dairy business has motivated him to be passionate about his job, Bewley said his students and innovative farmers are the ones who really inspire him to get things done.

“I’m always excited to see how the dairy farmers I work with continue to improve their operations,” he said. “I also look forward to each new set of students I get to work with. Their enthusiasm really keeps me going.”

More information about the 40 Under 40 award program and this years’ honorees is available online at

Awards Extension Livestock Research

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