News Archive: Crops
UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment opens 2020 freshmen scholarship application
Seth Riker
Published on Oct. 7, 2019
Scholarship applications are due by Dec. 1.
UK researcher to study seed size formation
Katie Pratt
Published on Oct. 3, 2019
A way to higher yields may be found inside of developing seeds.
UK to host Heart of America Grazing Conference
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 30, 2019
Mark your calendars! The regional conference is Oct. 29-30.
UK researchers studying better ways to detect worms in apples
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 25, 2019
UK researchers hope to develop a way to rapidly scan apples for codling moths.
UK celebrates opening of Grain and Forage Center of Excellence
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 19, 2019
UK KATS to host workshop Sept. 26
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 16, 2019
Mark your calendars to attend the last KATS program for the 2019 growing season.
UK’s Bradley named Educator of the Year
Published on Sep. 10, 2019
The award is given to a person who has made signficant contributions to agriculture and provides a consistent message to the public on the value of production agriculture.
Vincelli receives prestigious Jefferson Science Fellowship
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 6, 2019
Vincelli will advise the U.S. Agency for International Development's Office of Local Sustainability on scientific matters.
Grain marketing workshops help young farmer navigate tight times
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 26, 2019
UK workshops show young farmers how they can use risk management tools to their benefit.
Students experience agronomy, UK through crop scouting competition
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 13, 2019