News Archive: Crops
UK soil scientists begin cover crop research project
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 3, 2015
The multi-year project will look at the value of cover crops.
UK CSA offers a season of fresh, organic food
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Feb. 13, 2015
UK faculty, staff and students may register for the 2015 season of the UK CSA, which provides them with a weekly share of fresh, certified organic vegetables from May through October.
IPM Training is March 24
Katie Pratt
Published on Feb. 13, 2015
The free program will be at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton.
High Speed Market Prep Machine
Jeff Franklin
Published on Feb. 5, 2015
UKAg brings tobacco stripping mechanization closer to reality
Aimee Nielson
Published on Feb. 5, 2015
The technology could be on the market within the next two years.
Food Connection at UK introduces producers, processors to new UK Dining
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Feb. 4, 2015
The Food Connection at UK hosted a one-day workshop to connect Kentucky food producers with the new Aramark-managed UK Dining.
Leopold Conservation Award Program seeks nominees in Kentucky
Published on Feb. 3, 2015
Nominations are due by April 15.
Conference celebrates 35 years of advancing alfalfa
Katie Pratt
Published on Feb. 2, 2015
The Kentucky Alfalfa Conference is Feb. 26.
High tunnel webinar series a convenient option for growers
Aimee Nielson
Published on Jan. 22, 2015
Series begins Feb. 17.
New technology to be explored at UK Winter Wheat Meeting
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 19, 2014
UK's Winter Wheat Meeting is Jan. 6.