News Archive: Events
Earth Day celebrates 50th anniversary amid a pandemic
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Apr. 20, 2020
Earth Day has a distinguished history, contributing to the formation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act.
Kentucky 4-H summer camping program suspended for 2020
Laura Skillman
Published on Apr. 16, 2020
Camp leadership is exploring options for 4-H camping experiences later this year if gathering restrictions are lifted.
4-H’s 1,000 Cranes Project offers international message of hope
Katie Pratt
Published on Apr. 13, 2020
Kentucky 4-H is trying to get youth and supporters to collectively make at least 1,000 paper cranes before June 1.
UK forestry extension offers weekly webinar ‘From the Woods Today’
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Apr. 3, 2020
UK Forestry and Natural Resources Extension is offering relevant information about woodlands in a weekly, live video class, “From the Woods Today.”
“Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays” bring spring into your home
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Mar. 27, 2020
The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service is offering free “Horticulture Webinar Wednesdays” on a number of topics.
CANCELLED: UK KATS to host workshop on drones and planters
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 12, 2020
In-person portion of Universities Fighting World Hunger 15th Anniversary Summit canceled
Published on Mar. 10, 2020
UK to host four regional fencing schools in 2020
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 3, 2020
The schools will cover the newest fencing technology and sound fence construction.
CANCELED: UK to host Novel Tall Fescue Renovation Workshop March 19
Katie Pratt
Published on Feb. 24, 2020
This workshop will help producers learn how they can renovate their KY-31 tall fescue fields with a novel tall fescue variety.
CAFE team downing bananas, resting up in prep for DanceBlue
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Feb. 24, 2020
The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is fielding a team for this year's student-run marathon that begins the evening of Feb. 29 and is the culmination of a year’s worth of fundraising for the DanceBlue Kentucky Children’s Hospital Hematology/Oncology Clinic.