News Archive: Extension
Lawns likely to recover from drought
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 3, 2012
The drought has taken a toll on many home lawns, but grasses will likely rebound.
Healthcare: a promising industry for Kentucky
Published on Aug. 1, 2012
A changing healthcare landscape will affect Kentucky’s healthcare system and its economy, according to a new study by the College's CEDIK.
Time is of the essence for soybean development
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 27, 2012
The state's soybean crops needs rain for decent yields.
Insurance, ACRE payments on drought-stressed crops will vary
Published on Jul. 25, 2012
Corn producers with crop insurance and/or enrolled in the ACRE program will likely receive a payment from this year's crop, but how much is still be determined.
UK offering a new field day
Published on Jul. 24, 2012
UK College of Agriculture specialists are offering the first Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day.
Extension celebrates 100 years of county agents
Published on Jul. 20, 2012
For 100 years, extension agents have helped Kentuckians improve their way of life.
Feeding Corn in Drought Conditions- Advanced Grazing School Field Day
Published on Jul. 19, 2012
Drought forces farmers to rethink plans for corn crop
Published on Jul. 19, 2012
The extreme drought in Western Kentucky has drastically decreased corn yield potential. As a result, many farmers are making decisions about what to do with the crop.
New Kentucky Drought Resources Web page launched
Published on Jul. 12, 2012
The new page provides up-to-date, relevant information for farmers affected by the drought.
Dairy Exchange offers hands-on learning
Published on Jul. 11, 2012
Dairy exchange will allow producers to share ideas, tour Kentucky farms.