News Archive: Research
UK research explores the effects of climate change on soil microbes
Katie Pratt
Published on Jan. 21, 2016
What happens underground might have big effects above ground when it comes to climate change.
UK professor passionate about providing access to healthy foods
Amy Jones-Timoney
Published on Jan. 20, 2016
Alison Gustafson studies food access in rural communities.
Kentucky Small Ruminant Grazing Conference set for Feb. 6

Aimee Nielson
Published on Jan. 16, 2016
This year's conference focuses on Eastern Kentucky.
UK research finds little gender bias in academic journal
Katie Pratt
Published on Jan. 14, 2016
As editor of the journal Functional Ecology, UK entomologist Chuck Fox reviewed the journal's peer review process for any potential gender bias.
UK veterinary lab study vital in leptospirosis vaccine development

Aimee Nielson
Published on Jan. 12, 2016
Leptospirosis resides in the kidneys of infected mammals and can have devastating effects.
UK Winter Wheat Meeting to focus on profitability
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 15, 2015
UK's annual meeting is Jan. 5.
UK study finds demand for local food is no fad
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Dec. 8, 2015
Researchers behind the Fayette County Local Food Demand Assessment estimate that Lexington businesses spent approximately $14 million on Kentucky food products in 2014.
Fruit and Vegetable Conference set for Jan. 4-5

Aimee Nielson
Published on Dec. 7, 2015
The 2016 conference will have more than 70 speakers.
John Grove named director of UKREC
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 2, 2015
He took over leadership of the center Dec. 1.
UK study finds $2 in farm income generated for every dollar invested by Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund
Published on Nov. 20, 2015
KADF investments from 2007 through 2014 have positively and significantly impacted Kentucky’s agriculture and agribusiness according to a report released Nov. 20.