News Archive: Awards
UK Ag Economics graduate student wins national teaching award
Published on Jun. 16, 2015
Jerrod Penn, ag economics doctoral student, will receive the 2015 Graduate Teaching Award of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association in July.
UKAg graduate named 2015 Fulbright Scholar
Carl Nathe
Published on Jun. 2, 2015
Coffey will do graduate research in Denmark.
Kentucky celebrates small businesses
Roberta Meisel
Published on May. 6, 2015
The commonwealth’s best were celebrated in the Capitol Rotunda with an awards ceremony recognizing outstanding small businesses and small-business people.
Three UK Students Win NSF Research Awards
Whitney Hale
Published on Apr. 30, 2015
A UKAg student is among the three award winners.
UK provost announces Outstanding Teaching Awards
Carl Nathe
Published on Apr. 17, 2015
Two UKAg recipients
UK MANRRS three-peats with national honors
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Apr. 3, 2015
UK MANRRS chapter triumphed at their national conference, bringing home their third consecutive National Chapter of the Year award.
UK entomologist nominated to organize National Academy of Sciences international event
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 23, 2015
James Harwood will help organize one of the academy's major international events.
UK animal and food scientist receives prestigious award

Aimee Nielson
Published on Feb. 6, 2015
The Bertebos Prize is considered the "Nobel Prize of Agriculture."
UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment inducts 2015 Hall of Distinguished Alumni

Jeff Franklin
Published on Feb. 3, 2015
Leopold Conservation Award Program seeks nominees in Kentucky
Published on Feb. 3, 2015
Nominations are due by April 15.