News Archive: Economics
UK Wheat Science Group’s winter meeting coming in January
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 18, 2012
Make plans to attend the 2013 UK Winter Wheat Meeting Jan. 8 in Hopkinsville.
Kentucky 2012 farm cash receipts on track to break $5 billion
Published on Dec. 6, 2012
Despite weather impacts on yield and high feed costs, agricultural economists with the UK College of Agriculture foresee 2012’s cash receipts in the state will total $5.3 billion.
All the warmth but none of the costs
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 5, 2012
After working with UK, a Hart County farmer's energy bill this winter may be next to nothing.
Manage grain bins to maintain quality, profit
Katie Pratt
Published on Nov. 27, 2012
UK biosystems and agricultural engineers offer tips on how to properly and safely manage stored grain.
Farm to School
Jeff Franklin
Published on Oct. 25, 2012
Extension agents helping bring the farm to school
Katie Pratt
Published on Oct. 24, 2012
Read how extension agents are working with community partners to get fresh, nutritious foods on school menus across the state.
2012 Kentucky Equine Survey reaches critical funding goal; data collection closes Oct. 12
Holly Wiemers
Published on Sep. 24, 2012
A critical fundraising threshold was met this month for the 2012 Kentucky Equine Survey, a statewide comprehensive survey of horse breeds.
UK researcher receives grant to study biological control’s effectiveness
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 24, 2012
A UK entomologist is conducting innovative research to determine biological control's effectiveness.
UK Ag receives more than $500,000 to help beginning farmers
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Sep. 20, 2012
The USDA has awarded the UK College of Agriculture a $561,000 grant for KyFarmStart, its comprehensive training program for beginning farmers.
All-time high College of Ag enrollment
Aimee Nielson
Published on Sep. 12, 2012
Fall enrollment hits all-time high of 2,586.