News Archive: Extension
UK Grains Center of Excellence to strengthen Kentucky agriculture
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 20, 2016
Center will include updates and expansion of the UK Research and Education Center in Princeton.
Extension, growers work together in Tobacco GAP Program

Jeff Franklin
Published on Jul. 12, 2016
Tobacco growers, Extension working to improve quality of the crop for tobacco companies
Extension, growers work together in Tobacco GAP Program
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 12, 2016
The program helps farmers keep more organized records.
UK Corn, Soybean and Tobacco Field Day is approaching
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 11, 2016
The field day is July 28 in Princeton.
58th Annual Farm City Field Day to highlight KSU research farm
Published on Jun. 30, 2016
The Farm City Field Day in Franklin County returns for its 58th year July 7 at the Kentucky State University Research and Demonstration Farm in Frankfort.
4-H to show the stylish side of STEM this summer
Published on Jun. 27, 2016
4-H will show how fashion design and science, engineering, technology and mathematics are related in programs across the state.
Muhlenberg Dairy Farm Goes "All-In"

Jeff Franklin
Published on Jun. 22, 2016
Dairy Farm going all-in
Camp raises awareness for next generation of natural resources leaders
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Jun. 14, 2016
High school students gathered in southern Kentucky to explore a future in natural resources—and to have a little fun, get a little dirty and learn a lot.
UK Turf Research Field Day is July 14
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 14, 2016
Topics incude pollinators, cool-season grasses, warm-season grasses and weeds and diseases.
Reaching Rural Veterans extends aid through food banks
Published on Jun. 10, 2016
The UK and Purdue program aimes to increase veterans' access to food and clothing.