UK to host first in-person Hemp Field Day since 2019
UK to host first in-person Hemp Field Day since 2019

For the first time since 2019, the UK Cooperative Extension Service and the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment are hosting an in-person hemp field day Sept. 8.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, officials held the last hemp field day in 2020 virtually, but this year the event is back with a full evening of in-person programming. The field day will consist of two components: a series of pest identification workshops and tours. Both will take place at UK’s North Farm and will feature plant and soil science, plant pathology and agricultural economics speakers as well as representatives from the UK College of Pharmacy and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture. Attendees may attend one or both portions of the day’s programming.
“The goal of the UK Hemp Field Day is to bring the latest research findings on hemp production and marketing to all stakeholders in the industry,” said Tom Keene, agronomy specialist in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.
To achieve this goal, the schedule for the event is both action and information packed. During the pest identification workshop from 3-5 p.m. EDT, attendees will rotate between three hands-on stations where they will learn about the identification of plant diseases, insect and agronomic and nutrition issues that affect hemp.
The field day portion of the programming runs from 5-7 p.m. Participants may choose to attend two of three field day tours during this time. Tour options include transplanted hemp grown for cannabinoids or essential oils, direct-seeded hemp for fiber and grain production, and pest management.
After dinner, attendees will hear about CBD clinical trials, KDA hemp update and a hemp economic outlook.
“Attendees should leave with a much greater insight into field production aspects of growing hemp for fiber, grain and cannabinoids along with insect and plant pathology issues of hemp,” Keene said.
“Anyone with an interest in hemp, from newcomers to hemp industry veterans, is encouraged to attend,” said Robert Pearce, extension professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences.
Attendees must pre-register to secure a spot in the pest identification workshops and a meal. Registration is free and open to the public. Visit to register. For more information, go to
Crops Economics Entomology Events Extension Horticulture Plant and Soil Sciences Research