News Archive: Sustainability
Name change reflects broad work of UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment
Laura Skillman
Published on Jun. 28, 2013
On July 1, the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture will become the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
UKAg partners in six-state dairy improvement effort

Aimee Nielson
Published on Jun. 28, 2013
Consortium will work to improve herd health and milk quality.
UK research focusing on bringing back pollinators
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 25, 2013
UK entomology researchers are testing mixtures of wildflowers to determine which can best rebuild bee and monarch butterfly populations in the state.
Sophistication of Kentucky’s producers, food systems impresses visitors
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Jun. 25, 2013
Cooperative Extension agents and specialists from around the country visited Lexington recently and left with an appreciation for Central Kentucky’s farmers and food system.
Western Kentucky CSAs answer demand for fresh, local foods
Katie Pratt
Published on Jun. 11, 2013
CSA programs are thriving in one Western Kentucky county.
Free fruit for the masses
Katie Pratt
Published on May. 6, 2013
The Christian County extension office has played an integral part in establishing the Hopkinsville's first community orchard.
From soil to supper: Arboretum throws open gates to Kentucky chefs
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Mar. 20, 2013
The College of Agriculture invites Kentucky chefs to pick their favorite vegetables and herbs to be grown in the Kentucky Chefs’ Ultimate Kitchen Garden on the grounds of The Arboretum.
3rd UK invasive species conference set for April 3
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Mar. 19, 2013
The University of Kentucky College of Agriculture will present the 3rd Conference on Invasion Biology, Ecology and Management, April 3 at the UK Student Center.
UK rain garden workshops target storm water runoff
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 1, 2013
UK researchers are educating Kentuckians on the benefits of rain gardens.
Energy efficiency program aims to make all Kentuckians more aware

Aimee Nielson
Published on Feb. 28, 2013
Program teaches energy efficiency strategies; offers tools to help.