News Archive: Forestry
Leopold Conservation Award Program seeks nominees in Kentucky
Published on Feb. 3, 2015
Nominations are due by April 15.
Kentucky ag economy remains strong, but concerns are for 2015
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Dec. 4, 2014
A 15 percent increase in livestock prices is expected to boost 2014 Kentucky agricultural cash receipts to $6B. The 2015 outlook is expected to drop back.
Kentucky wood bound for Plimoth Plantation and history
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Nov. 25, 2014
A flatbed laden with freshly sawn white oak from Kentucky is destined for the refitting of the historic vessel, Mayflower II.
UK research shows promise in fight against emerald ash borer
Katie Pratt
Published on Nov. 10, 2014
UK researchers have recovered both native and released parasitoid wasps in EAB-affected areas.
Timber Harvesting Field Day Oct. 30
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Oct. 21, 2014
A forestry field day on Oct. 30 in Jackson will focus on managing and harvesting timber in Eastern Kentucky.
UK Forestry webinar series brims with information
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Sep. 25, 2014
UK Cooperative Extension will offer a forestry webinar series from Oct. 7 through Nov. 11. The series is designed for those interested in woodland, timber and wildlife topics.
Tree Farmer of the Year Field Day honors Pelle Tree Farm
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Sep. 25, 2014
UK Cooperative Extension Service will co-sponsor The Harry and Karen Pelle Tree Farm Field Day in Taylor County at 1 p.m. EDT Oct. 2.
Mountain Ag Week is Appalachian Proud
Aimee Nielson
Published on Sep. 4, 2014
Moutain Ag Week is packed with interactive learning for all ages.
UKAg: A Tradition of Excellence and Inspired Vision
Carl Nathe
Published on Aug. 28, 2014
UK Forestry Professor Researching Emergency Care App
Published on Jul. 9, 2014
In the event of an injury, quickly getting emergency personnel to the logging site is critical. One UK forestry professor is developing an app for that.