News Archive: Plant and Soil Sciences
Ag's David McNear named 'Great Teacher'
Amy Jones-Timoney
Published on Mar. 23, 2020
McNear and the college's Lou Hirsch were both recently named UK Great Teachers.
A small-grain value chain comes full circle at UK
Katie Pratt
Published on Feb. 4, 2020
UK students will get a lesson in local grains thanks to a partnership between UK and a Kentucky farm family.
Wendroth named president of Soil Science Society of America
Katie Pratt
Published on Jan. 15, 2020
As president, Wendroth supports the society’s members by communicating the role of soils and the importance of soil-related science, research and education.
Decade After Leaving, Grad Returns for 2 Degrees
Danielle Donham
Published on Dec. 12, 2019
If you had told Stuart Lichtenberg in 2002 he would graduate one day with a Ph.D., he wouldn't have believed you.
UK celebrates 50 years of continuous no-till research plots
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 10, 2019
The site is one of only a handful in the nation dedicated to long-term no-till research.
UK researcher to study seed size formation
Katie Pratt
Published on Oct. 3, 2019
A way to higher yields may be found inside of developing seeds.
Students experience agronomy, UK through crop scouting competition
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 13, 2019
Unrine named 2019-2020 University Research Professor
Jenny Wells-Hosley
Published on May. 2, 2019
Unrine is one of 16 UK professors to receive this prestigious honor.
UK researcher makes important finding in plant reproduction
Katie Pratt
Published on Dec. 11, 2018
The finding could have implications for plant breeding and weed management.
Horse farm sees success from pasture renovations
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 22, 2018
UK forage specialists helped a Lexington horse farm overcome classic symptoms of fescue toxicity with pasture renovations.