News Archive: Plant and Soil Sciences
Van Sanford receives university research professorship
Published on May. 1, 2018
Van Sanford was one of 14 UK professors to receive the honor.
Wet, cold spring could lead to seedling blights in corn
Katie Pratt
Published on Apr. 25, 2018
This spring's wet conditons aren't doing anyone any favors. Read how the weather may affect corn.
UK, stakeholders break ground on Grain and Forage Center of Excellence
Katie Pratt
Published on Mar. 15, 2018
The center will enhance the college’s extension, research and teaching missions.
UK’s Hunt and Palli named AAAS Fellows
Katie Pratt
Published on Nov. 20, 2017
UK professors Arthur Hunt and Subba Reddy Palli were recognized by their peers for their distinguished contributions to the advancement of science.
UK researchers to evaluate BMPs for Kentucky grain farms
Katie Pratt
Published on Nov. 3, 2017
This project will let Kentucky producers know which best management practices keep the most nutrients and soil on their farms.
McCulley named chair of UK Plant and Soil Sciences
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 29, 2017
McCulley becomes chair Jan. 1.
UK Horse Pasture Evaluation Program benefits students, farms
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 8, 2017
A student internship proves to be a valuable learning experience for students and provides a service to the horse industry.
UK Hemp Field Day Sept. 9, in conjunction with national conference
Katie Pratt
Published on Aug. 7, 2017
Field day attendees can take a walking tour of UK's hemp research plots.
UK research seeks to quantify cover crop benefits
Katie Pratt
Published on Jul. 28, 2017
Cover crops control soil erosion, but they may have additional benefits to the soil and subsequent crops. University researchers are seeking and quantifying those benefits.
Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation Donates $1 Million to UK's Grain and Forage Center of Excellence
Published on Jul. 27, 2017
The money will go toward two specific projects at the center.