News Archive
Displaying 971 - 980 of 5981 news items
UK's James B. Beam Institute prioritizing environmental stewardship (video)

Jeff Franklin
Published on Oct. 6, 2020
Managing calf stress helps improve weaning outcomes

Aimee Nielson
Published on Oct. 6, 2020
By weaning calves on the farm, producers can reduce animals' stress come sale time.
Supporting Your Immune System: What You Need to Know
Danielle Donham and Heather Norman-Burgdolf
Published on Oct. 6, 2020
Extension program provides fun, raises community awareness during pandemic
Katie Pratt
Published on Oct. 5, 2020
The extension-organized event was a way for locals to get out in the community while maintaining social distancing.
UK Ag Equine Programs students gave back to equine community during inaugural Equine Week of Service
Sabrina Jacobs
Published on Oct. 5, 2020
UK students donated about 550 hours to more than seven local equine organizations.
‘From the Woods Today’ in October highlights seasonal woodland delights
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Oct. 2, 2020
University of Kentucky Forestry and Natural Resources Extension’s weekly online program, “From the Woods Today,” has plenty of fascinating topics in October.
Everything has a season, and Kentucky’s may be autumn
Carol Lea Spence
Published on Oct. 1, 2020
Kentucky is one of the best places in the country to view fall colors.
UK’s James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits inks powerful partnership with Scotch Whisky Research Institute

Aimee Nielson
Published on Sep. 30, 2020
The partnership will enhance stability in the spirits industry worldwide and allow the institutions to study distilled spirits together.
Kentucky Grazing Conference goes virtual
Katie Pratt
Published on Sep. 28, 2020
The event is online this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.